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Hearts Aflame Fertility Education

Boston Cross Check Method of NFP

What is Boston Cross Check? 

Boston Cross Check is a highly flexible sympto-thermal-hormonal method that treats its key biomarkers equally. The key biomarkers taught are basal boy temperature, cervical fluid, and hormonal monitoring with ClearblueTM Fertility Monitor along with cycle data history and optional cervical positions. There are also options to add LH strips and Proov PdG "CONFIRM" tests. If you like tracking lots of data you might love this method.!


Instruction takes place on an individual basis but we hope that with this close relationship you gain charting autonomy. We want you to get to the point of feeling completely confident on your own but will be here for you until then! 


This is a more conservative method when it comes to determining your fertile window. So if you are wishing to postpone pregnancy, you may have longer windows of abstinence than other methods but may also experience more confidence in using available days while trying to postpone pregnancy. 


I chose Boston Cross Check because its flexibility allowed me to change up my charting as life changed. I could change up which two biomarkers I wanted to track or do all three if I wanted. I could do the method with cheaper supplies or more expensive supplies. 


For successful NFP use, you need an instructor that your trust and connect with and a method you can consistently track and trust. If you need help discerning if Boston Cross Check is the right method for you, reach out for a free consultation call!


*BCC instruction does include instruction in Catholic Teaching on marriage and intimacy but you do not have to be Catholic to learn

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Meet Nichole 

My name is Nichole and I started learning Boston Cross Check when I started experiencing chronic health issues. I wasn't engaged or even close to engaged when I started so I didn't have the goal of family planning but of body literacy. I had to deal with doctors who wanted to write off my health issues as just being my cycle. Charting my cycle along with my symptoms gave me the power to show how my cycle was and was not related to my symptoms. But charting my cycle also gave me better body literacy in regards to my chronic illnesses. I learned that my body is not experiencing these symptoms because it hates me nor are they random occurrences - my body was trying to communicate with me. Learning that my cycle was not a random collection of symptoms but something I could use to understand what my body was doing behind the scene let me see my chronic health symptoms the same way.  It changed my life so much that I wanted to start teaching NFP myself! 


At Hearts Aflame Fertility Education, I hope to show you the truth, goodness, and beauty of our bodies through our cycles. While that knowledge is used for making decisions for your family planning adventure, I also hope you can be empowered to understand your cycles and use that knowledge to understand and appreciate your body and your fertility as a whole. 


That doesn't mean everything is sunshine, flowers, and rainbows. Bodies can still be frusturating even if we can understand why they are doing something. Fertility Aweraness and Natural Family Planning are beautiful things but they can also be extremely hard things. That's why I chose to entrust Hearts Aflame to St. Augustine, the saint who famously prayed 'Lord, make me chaste... just not yet.' Whatever your relationship with your body, your cycle, NFP, the teachings of the Catholic Church, ect, I want to hold space for you here.  

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